9th grade
What's your address
Jeremy Martinson, Jr.
455 Larkspur Dr. Apt 23
Baviera, CA 92908
455 Larkspur Dr. Apt 23
Baviera, CA 92908
teacher, can you repeat please?
Are you an introvert or extrovert person?
What is hte text all about
checking questions
Borrow or Lend?
Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
They need to borrow our truck.
Why do you want to borrow his notebook?
I will lend Sharon my blue dress.
"Lending" is giving, not taking. So you should say "lend to" and "borrow from"
The same sentence corrected
To correct the sentence, we could say:
Can he borrow some money from his credit card company?
Can he lend some money to his credit card company?
(This sentence can be true if he is very rich!)
Here’s a short, fun activity to help students practise ‘lend’ and ‘borrow’. Ask students to find a different item each from the classroom. Try to make them as everyday as possible like pen, rubber, tissue, dictionary. Make sure all students are familiar with the vocabulary.
I lent Gary £30. (I expect that Gary will return this to me) Borrow is a regular verb meaning ‘get something from someone, intending to give it back after a short time’:
Could I borrow your pen for a minute, please?
Laura used to borrow money from me all the time.
Lend me your pen please
Lend means ‘give something to someone for a short time, expecting that you will get it back’. The past simple and the -ed form are lent:
I never lend my CDs to anyone.
I lent Gary £30. (I expect that Gary will return this to me)
Borrow is a regular verb meaning ‘get something from someone, intending to give it back after a short time’:
Could I borrow your pen for a minute, please?
Laura used to borrow money from me all the time.
Typical error
When you give something, you lend it; when you get or receive something, you borrow it:
Can I borrow your dictionary?
Not: Can I lend your dictionary?
Feb 9th
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HM 001
Lately stock car racing legend Jeff Gordon looks like the Jeff Gordon of old when he would duke it out with the late Dale Earnhardt Sr. – and win! Gordon leads all drivers in points approaching the all-important 10-race Chase championship shootout in September, and has also won two NASCAR Sprint Cup races this year – at Kansas and Indianapolis. I had the pleasure of chatting with the four-time NASCAR champion, who has won 90 Cup races, about his long, storied career. Gordon, 43, is polite, articulate and witty, but is still fiercely driven. JC: Take us back a few years. What it was like racing with the late Dale Earnhardt Sr.? JG: It was pretty frustrating most of the time. The last thing you wanted to see was Dale in your mirror because you knew you were either going to have to move out of the way, or he was going to move you out of the way. At the same time, as fierce a competitor as he was, and as tough as he was to race with, if you could beat Dale in a race at, say Talladega or Daytona, or for the Championship like we did in 1995, you were doing something that set you apart from the other competitors. Four-time Cup Champion Jeff Gordon (courtesy of NASCAR) Today In: Lifestyle JC: Your first Daytona 500 win was in 1997. What were you thinking as you crossed the finish line? JG: 'I can't believe I just won the Daytona 500!' [laughs]. At that time, I'd only been in the sport four years. I didn't have a clue as to what it truly meant to win the Daytona 500. That win means more to me today than it ever did then. I had a number of things changing my life at that time, and that's why I probably didn't fully appreciate it. It was just kind of next on the list - we won at the Brickyard, we won the [points] Championship, now we just go win Daytona. We were on this roll of 'how do we top what we just did?' Winning the Daytona 500 was awesome, but sometimes I'm more thrilled winning the next race. When you go to Victory Lane and you've had to work hard at it, you appreciate it so much more. PROMOTED JC: Being a kid who grew up in Indiana what's more special, your wins at the Brickyard 400 or at the Daytona 500? JG: The inaugural Brickyard 400 [in 1994]. I always wanted to race at Indy. I knew way more about open-wheel racing than I did about stock cars when I was growing up. It was a dream for me to be able to race at Indy and win there. JC: What were you thinking on the last lap of that win? JG: I was emotional, just blown away - in disbelief really. It's never over until you take the checkered flag. Brett Bodine was chasing me down. And I had just had that great battle with Ernie Irvin. When Ernie had his problem I thought, 'well I got this thing' and here comes Brett charging. So I had to hit my marks and not miss on those last few corners. JC: Speaking of open-wheel cars, have you ever thought about driving an Indy car? JG: I thought about it a lot when I was 12, 14, 16 and 18, right up until I tried to get a ride in an Indy car and nobody gave me the time of day! So I went down south and got a stock car ride right away. Now I don't have as much interest in it. JC: What if someone said, 'Hey Jeff, we have a ride for you at next year's Indy 500?' JG: I have too much respect for what it takes to go fast and be competitive there. It's not something to mess around with. You're doing 230 mph around Indy, and you want to know what you're doing. Just because I'm a racecar driver doesn't mean I can go to Indy and all of a sudden hop into one of those cars and win. You’ve got to get the right organization, and spend time behind the wheel to fully prepare for that event. JC: With the Chase approaching, do you sit down with teammates like Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr., and say, 'Okay this is it, we really have to get our stuff together?' JG: I think we know we have to communicate, not only with one another, but with all of our teammates, utilize them as much as we can to help win this Championship. We know how it works when you come to Hendrick Motorsports on a multi-car team. Rick [Hendrick] makes it very clear - share information, go out there and be smart, but do what you've got to do to win.
Responda as questões de 1 a 5 sobre o texto acima - unidade 4 página 30
- No primeiro parágrafo, temos uma frase em que “may” aparece duas vezes.
- escreva qual frase é essa;
- escreva qual a função de “may” na frase. ( a explicação está na página 25 da unidade 4)
- com base na explicação da página 25 da unidade 4, qual outra palavra tem igual função de may?
2 Do que se trata o texto? Resposta em português.
3. no título “What you can and can’t change” qual o significado de can e can’t ? ( a explicação está na página 25 da unidade 4) escreva 5 exemplos de afirmativa e negativa
4 qual a diferença em relação ao peso entre meninos e meninas - copie abaixo em inglês o trecho que explica isso.
5 escreva 3 exemplos em inglês : (conteúdo da página páginas 24 e 25)
frases que tenham um verbo auxiliar de sugestão
frases que tenham um verbo auxiliar de possibilidade
frases que tenham um verbo auxiliar de ordem, obrigação
Com base no vocabulário unidade 4 páginas 22 e 23 responda as questões 6,7 e 8:
6 3 palavras que tem igual escrita e de igual significado em português
7 3 palavras de diferente escrita do português e qual seu significado em portugês
8 com base no exercício 2 da página 22 unidade 4
escreva em inglês o significado das seguintes palavras:
Questões 9 e 10 (refere-se à tabela da unidade 3 página 11)
9 escreva quais são as 4 palavras que se referem a pessoas (people)
escreva 2 exemplos em inglês
10 a.escreva quais sãos as 4 palavras que se referem a lugares(places)
escreva 2 exemplos em inglês
b.escreva quais sãos as 4 palavras que se referem a coisas(things)
escreva 2 exemplos em inglês
All of us perceive how our bodies appear in different ways. Some people feel they are too fat, others lament being too thin. You may obsess about the size of your nose, while your best friend may wish her feet were smaller.
Our perception of how we look is known as body image. Some people are pleased with their body image. However, many more dislike one or more aspects of their physical appearance.
Such feelings are especially prevalent among women. One recent study by the University of Delaware found that high school girls tend to see themselves as 11 pounds overweight while high school boys perceive their current weight as being close to the ideal for their peer group.
Poor body image can lead to significant problems, including depression, eating disorders or other health issues. a recent study by the University of Missouri-Columbia found that women of all sizes felt more negative about their bodies after viewing the models in magazine ads.
However, that doesn't mean it is impossible to shift your feelings about your appearance. Even the most successful and seemingly confident people privately fret about at least one of their physical attributes, including the women who model for magazine ads.
Every person has a unique combination of genes that influences how they appear. Instead, try concentrating on positive aspects of your body and your life.
It also is important to remind yourself that your value reaches far beyond your physical appearance. Reflect on the positive things you have achieved during your day or in recent weeks. Think about the things for which you are grateful, from the love of your family to the warmth of the sun on a nice day.
Responda as questões de 1 a 5 sobre o texto acima
1. O texto aborda:
a) as diversas situações de uma pessoa que deseja fazer dieta.
b) como lidar com a nossa forma física de forma positiva
c) mulheres devem ter 11 kilos a mais de peso
d) os adolescentes rapazes são exigentes em relação ao peso
e) as propagandas com modelos não afetam as adolescentes em geral
2. No primeiro parágrafo, qual a palavra que auxilia na compreensão do texto e indica possibilidade:
a) some
b) about
c) may
d) being
e) too
3.No título “What you can and can’t change” se o tempo verbal fosse passado ficaria
a) What you could and couldn’t change
b) What you may and may not change
c) What you should and shouldn’t change
d) What you will can and will not can change
e) What you should and should not change
4. O texto apresenta três tópicos sobre o tema e cada qual com alguns parágrafos explicativos. O parágrafo que relata que as meninas tem a impressão de que estão acima do peso é:
a) o último parágrafo no tópico Shifting your attitude”
b) o primeiro parágrafo no tópico Shifting your attitude”
c) o quarto parágrafo no tópico What you can and can’t change
d) o terceiro parágrafo no tópico improving your body image
e) o quinto parágrafo no tópico What you can and can’t change
5 escolha a alternativa correta referente as estas três afirmações contidas no texto:
1 Mudar sua imagem pessoal é tão fácil quanto mudar seus pensamento de como você se parece.
2 O texto diz que as propagandas de revistas são muito caras
3 Depressão , problemas alimentares e problemas de saúde podem ser causados por não aceitar suas reais características físicas.
a verdadeiro - verdadeiro - falso
b falso - falso - falso
c falso - falso - verdadeiro
d verdadeiro - falso - verdadeiro
e falso - verdadeiro - falso
6 Complete as seguintes frases :
1 I’m thinking about starting to study _____________________.
2 I don’t know _________________ about foreign languages.
3.Another good idea would be chatting with _____________________ of that language
4 Where am I ? I’m totally lost in the middle of _______________ !
a someone - something - anything - someone
b anything - something - anything - someone
c someone - nowhere - something - anything
d someone - nowhere - something - anything
e something - anything - someone - nowhere
7. Considerando as figuras, seus nomes em inglês são:
a electric shaver - gel - conditioner
b soap - hair spray - perfume
c razor - gel - mascara
d razor - lip gloss - hair straightener
e hair straightener - soap - lipstick
8 assinale a sequência que explica corretamente a função dos verbos auxiliares:
1 I can swim but I don’t like it.
2 You must study for the English test.
3 They should buy something to eat before the movie starts.
4 You may go with your friends if you finish the homework.
a sugestão - obrigação - poder - possibilidade
b poder - obrigação - sugestão - possibilidade
c obrigação - sugestão - possibilidade poder
d possibilidade - poder - obrigação - sugestão
e possibilidade - poder - obrigação - sugestão
9 Escolha a alternativa correta
People use to wash their bodies.
a razor
b hair straightener
c nail polish
d lip gloss
e soap
10 Escolha a alternativa correta:
Everyone can use it to wash their hair:
a mascara
b foundation
c shampoo
d hairdryer
e eye shadow
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